From: | Andrew Tettenborn <> |
To: | MACQUEEN Hector <> |
Gerard Sadlier <> | |
Peter Wills <> | |
Date: | 24/06/2021 10:53:01 |
Subject: | Re: [Spam?] Re: ODG: HCA on waiver of limitation period in mortgage contract |
Even then it is a bit odd that a contract should be allowed to exonerate a person entirely from an obligation that would be incumbent on him, but not to leave the obligation on foot while making its enforcement subject to a short time-bar.
The Prescription and Limitation (Scotland) Act 1973 s 13 currently prohibits contracting out of its rules. However following consideration by the Scottish Law Commission this is due to be replaced by section 13 of the Prescription (Scotland) Act 2018 (not yet in force). It will then be permissible to extend (but not to shorten) the prescriptive periods by agreement made after the period has begun and before it has begun. The agreed extension may not exceed one year in length, and can only be exercised once in relation to any obligation. Further, where an obligation has no definite period of performance but is definitely constituted (eg in a document) then it is enforceable right up to the expiry of the prescriptive period. If the existence of the obligation requires proof (eg as an oral contract), delay in bringing proceedings does not necessarily prevent enforcement proceedings at any time until the prescriptive period expires; but it may increase the onus of proof on the party contending that the obligation exists.
Hector L MacQueen CBE FBA FRSE
Professor of Private Law
University of Edinburgh Law School
Old College
South Bridge
Edinburgh EH8 9 YL
Currently working from home
From: Gerard Sadlier <>
Sent: 24 June 2021 02:25
To: Peter Wills <>
Cc: Larissa Katz <>; Robert Stevens <>; William Swadling <>; Tettenborn A.M. <>; Neil Foster <>; <>
Subject: [Spam?] Re: ODG: HCA on waiver of limitation period in mortgage contractThe University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336. Is e buidheann carthannais a th’ ann an Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann, clàraichte an Alba, àireamh clàraidh SC005336.This email was sent to you by someone outside the University.
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To hold a contractual provision barring reliance on a limitation
period unenforceable would be wrong in principle and problematic in
practice. Wrong because even if a limitation Defence is a right, it is
surely a right that may be waived (absent some special vulnerability).
Problematic because many agreements, like standstill agreements, would
be rendered unuseable by such a holding. The consequence would be that
people who do not want to litigate and may never need to would be
obliged to initiate proceedings on a protective basis.
Limiting enforcement to the award of damages would be wrong because
(i) it would mean that no claim where injunctive or proprietary relief
was or might be a real point of the proceedings could be paused by way
of a standstill and (ii) it would involve effectively trying the claim
in the artificial context of assessing whether the Plaintiff had lost
anything of value because of reliance by the Defendant on the
limitation Defence.
Kind regards
On 6/23/21, Peter Wills <> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Never having commented here before, I hope I don't make a fool of myself.
> When considering a contract opting out of a statutory rule, my instinct
> is to start by determining whether the relevant rule is procedural or
> substantive. In Canada (which is the law that I know best), limitations
> periods are substantive: /Tolofson v Jensen/, [1994] 3 SCR 1022.
> If limitations periods are substantive, then the next step is to decide
> whether the rule is mandatory. If it's not mandatory, then the rule can
> be opted out of via a choice of law clause in a contract. If a rule can
> be opted out of via a choice of law clause, then I'm not sure I see a
> good reason to say the rule cannot be opted out of directly.
> To continue with Canadian law, in Ontario, limitations periods are
> generally mandatory (/Limitations Act 2002/, s 22). Alberta's a little
> more confusing. Section 7 of their Act (/Limitations Act/, RSA 2000, c
> L-12) expressly permits contracting to extend a limitations period (but
> not to shorten it), but s 12(1) make the Alberta limitations mandatory
> from a choice of laws perspective except for shortening it. The only way
> I can make sense of this is to say s 7 was meant to refer to contracts
> after the cause of action arises, but not before -- and the legislative
> history also supports this idea that s 7 was directed at "settlement
> negotiations" or "if a creditor wishes to allow a debtor additional time
> for payment" (ALRI, 1989, "Limitations, Final Report 55
> <>", 42).
> Applying this to the actual case gets more complex, because the
> characterization of whether limitations periods are substantive or
> procedural depends on the jurisdiction. In Queensland, as I understand
> it, the limitations periods of "another State, a Territory or New
> Zealand is treated as a substantive law" (/Choice of Law (Limitation
> Periods) Act/ 1996). Moreover, Queensland's /Limitation of Actions Act/
> explicitly states it is substantive (s 43a). These rules were enacted
> after /McKain v. R W Miller & Company (South Australia) Pty. Limited/
> (1991) 174 CLR 1, declared the common law position was that limitations
> periods were procedural (Explanatory note
> <>).
> This then raises a troubling question of what happens to claims under a
> truly foreign law?
> One option is to treat the foreign limitations law as substantive as
> well, so that it applies. This is a bad option, because it would seem to
> contradict the enumeration of specific jurisdictions wherein Queensland
> wants to treat the limitations period as substantive law. There would be
> no point in listing "another State, a Territory or New Zealand" if
> Queensland meant the limitations periods of all jurisdictions to be
> treated as substantive law.
> That suggests the second option: that the common law rule from /McKain/
> persist and makes the foreign limitations law as procedural, so it
> doesn't apply in a Queensland court. Since Queensland limitations law is
> substantive (/Limitation of Actions Act/, s 43A), the Queensland law
> then only applies if it's mandatory. If the Queensland law is not
> mandatory, no limitation period would apply, which would be absurd. This
> suggests the Queensland law should be treated as mandatory.
> As far as I can tell, treating Queensland law as mandatory would not be
> in disharmony with the choice of law rules for the enumerated
> jurisdictions. It would simply mean that the lesser / more restrictive
> limitation period, as between Queensland and one of the enumerated
> jurisdictions, applies.
> In sum:
> If the HCA is right, and Queensland limitations periods can be
> contracted out of, then they are not mandatory law for conflict of laws
> purposes. Since foreign limitations periods are procedural but
> Queensland law is, by statute, substantive, this creates, I think, the
> unfortunate result that no limitation period would apply to claims under
> foreign law brought in Queensland.
> Peter
> On 2021-06-23 12:09 p.m., Larissa Katz wrote:
>> Why not think of this in terms of estoppel (rather than waiver of
>> statutory rights)? I am not sure that the limitation act strictly
>> speaking accords the defendant's rights (vs a power to plead the act
>> and so to bar the plaintiff's claim), that can be waived.
>> Estoppel is maybe a tidier solution. The court can simply refuse to
>> "hear" the defendant raise the fact that the limitation period had
>> expired (because the defendant and the plaintiff have stipulated that,
>> as between them, that time never runs out).
>> On Wed, Jun 23, 2021 at 12:15 AM Robert Stevens
>> < <>> wrote:
>> No, because a Limitation Act when applied bars the court order (ie
>> not the substantive underlying right). So, a court shouldn't grant
>> an injunction so as to allow a court order that the Act says the
>> defendant has the power to stop being made. Damages doesn't do
>> violence to the Act in the same way.
>> The more I think about it, the more dramatic the High Court's
>> reasoning would be if we applied it to other statutory rights
>> that, hitherto, we have not thought could be contracted out of.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *From:* William Swadling <
>> <>>
>> *Sent:* 23 June 2021 07:54
>> *To:* Robert Stevens <
>> <>>; Tettenborn A.M.
>> <
>> <>>; Neil Foster
>> <
>> <>>;
>> <> <
>> <>>
>> *Subject:* RE: ODG: HCA on waiver of limitation period in mortgage
>> contract
>> But not an injunction?
>> Bill
>> *From:*Robert Stevens <
>> <>>
>> *Sent:* 23 June 2021 07:53
>> *To:* Tettenborn A.M. <
>> <>>; Neil Foster
>> <
>> <>>;
>> <>
>> *Subject:* Re: ODG: HCA on waiver of limitation period in mortgage
>> contract
>> [I should have added that my view is that you should get damages
>> for breach if the other side invokes the Act.]
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *From:*Robert Stevens <
>> <>>
>> *Sent:* 23 June 2021 07:51
>> *To:* Tettenborn A.M. <
>> <>>; Neil Foster
>> <
>> <>>;
>> <> <
>> <>>
>> *Subject:* Re: ODG: HCA on waiver of limitation period in mortgage
>> contract
>> I'd see this as solely a matter of statutory construction.
>> Does the Limitation Act expressly or by implication permit that
>> the rule it sets down may be contracted out of?
>> No.
>> There is a large difference between parties to proceedings
>> deciding, at the time, not to plead or rely upon a statutory (or
>> common law) right, and their agreeing in advance not to do so. The
>> mere fact that the Act creates a defence that must be pleaded by
>> the defendant doesn't answer the construction point any differently.
>> Does that mean that the contract between the parties not to apply
>> the limitation period is a nullity? Which is again a matter of
>> statutory construction, and again the answer is no.
>> So, for myself, I think the old English authorities saying that
>> are right. And now, the High Court will have to work out which
>> cases (like Neil's employment contract example) are ones where the
>> "public policy" of the statute is weighty enough so as not to
>> permit contracting out.
>> R
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *From:*Tettenborn A.M. <
>> <>>
>> *Sent:* 23 June 2021 06:00
>> *To:* Neil Foster <
>> <>>;
>> <> <
>> <>>
>> *Subject:* Re: ODG: HCA on waiver of limitation period in mortgage
>> contract
>> My instinct would be for some ststutory longstop here, say 50
>> years. It must be contrary to public policy to have courts clogged
>> up with ancient history.
>> On June 23, 2021 3:37:32 AM Neil Foster
>> <
>> <>> wrote:
>> Dear Colleagues;
>> While contract law is not my area, I thought the decision of
>> the High Court of Australia today in /Price v Spoor /[2021]
>> HCA 20
>> (23 June 2021)
>> <>
>> might be of interest. The 5-member bench (KIEFEL CJ, GAGELER,
>> GORDON, EDELMAN AND STEWARD JJ) agree that a contractual
>> waiver of the right to rely on limitations legislation is
>> valid (not contrary to public policy) and in this case
>> enforceable, meaning that an assignee of a mortgagee could sue
>> on a mortgage debt (and for possession of land) despite the
>> original debt having been due some 17 years before the action
>> was commenced.
>> The argument that the clause was unenforceable was based on
>> the general proposition that limitations provisions are in the
>> “public interest”. While conceding this was true, the members
>> of the court said the fact the such laws have always been able
>> to be waived at trial by a defendant, pointed to the fact that
>> they could be waived beforehand in a contractual provision.
>> There were three separate judgements (Kiefel CJ & Edelman J;
>> Gageler & Gordon JJ; and Steward J) coming to the same view,
>> and on a quick read I didn’t see any major differences. K & E
>> do spend some time noting the comments of Mason CJ in /The
>> Commonwealth v Verwayen /(1990) 170 CLR 394 on the general
>> issue of whether statutory rights can be waived, at [15]:
>> “whether a statutory right is capable of waiver, or
>> abandonment by other means, is not whether the provisions in
>> question are beneficial to the public, but rather whether they
>> are "not for the benefit of any individuals or body of
>> individuals, but for considerations of State”. The "critical
>> question", he said, "is whether the benefit is personal or
>> private or whether it rests upon public policy or
>> expediency"*.***
>> They note that these comments were not essential for
>> resolution of the issues in /Verwayen/ but say at [18] that:
>> “what was said by Mason CJ in /Verwayen /on the subject was no
>> "mere passing remark, or a statement or assumption on some
>> matter that has not been argued". It was a considered judgment
>> on a point argued by the parties, one which fulfils Sir Robert
>> Megarry's description as having "a weight nearer" to ratio
>> decidendi than an obiter dictum.”
>> I then expected a footnote to /Farah v Say-Dee/ or similar
>> cases reminding lower courts that they should follow
>> “seriously considered dicta” of the High Court, but there was
>> none. Interestingly Steward J did not rely on the “weighty
>> dicta” from /Verwayen/, but did note a number of earlier
>> English and Australian cases where limitations provisions had
>> been waived by contract (see [89]-]95]).
>> On the wider question, the judgments generally accept that
>> there are /some/ cases where a contractual provision waiving
>> rights could be invalid. For example, it would seem pretty
>> clear to me that if any employer was foolish enough to include
>> a clause in an employment contract saying that “the employee
>> will not sue for any acts of racial discrimination”, that such
>> a clause would be unenforceable. But as to the limits of this
>> doctrine, probably not much more could be said than the quote
>> from Mason CJ noted above.
>> Regards
>> Neil
>> Associate Professor, Newcastle Law School
>> College of Human and Social Futures
>> T: +61 2 49217430
>> E:
>> <>
>> Further details:
>> <>
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>> <>/
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>> The University of Newcastle
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> --
> Peter Wills
> Harvard Law School / King's College, University of Cambridge
> JD / LLM Class of 2017
Andrew Tettenborn Professor of Commercial Law, Swansea University Institute for International Shipping and Trade Law
Andrew Tettenborn Athro yn y Gyfraith Fasnachol, Prifysgol Abertawe Sefydliad y Gyfraith Llongau a Masnach Ryngwladol |
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